We have bundled together our latest and most popular flavours together for you.
Just one click and you can buy all of these in one go.
Get between 8% - 12% off the total price, without signing up to a repeat subscription.
Want to subscribe to a bundle?
No problem at all. We're working behind the scenes to make this a reality very soon...watch this space.
We send it out like any order - between 3 to 5 working days from ordering
Our monthly box is not currently a subscription but we plan to make this an option in the future, however you can build a bespoke subscription here in our subscription builder
Yes! What a lovely thing to do for a loved one. At the moment our box is not a subscription so you can order a bundle as a surprise gift or keep ordering every month to be delivered to their door. The choice is yours.
You sure do! Just like all our products, you earn 8 Brownie Points for every £1 spent