How exciting, right? A whole year of sugar free, keto/low carb chocolate!
To enter please fill in your name and email above. I will then email you to confirm you are entered.
Then join me for a live on Friday 15th July at 7pm where I will announce the winner of...a whole year's* worth of chocolate! (we'll email you the link)
Entering this competition also signs you up to my amazing daily email where I also offers and deals from DGF.
As a thank you for signing up I will send you a discount code.
P.S A year's worth of chocolate is 4 bars a calendar month, for every month of the year = 48 bars. You get to choose your flavours from our range each month.

The Rules
1) Only adults aged 18 and over may enter
2) Entrants can be anywhere in the world but please be aware that chocolate may melt if sent overseas
3) The entry cut off is midday (BST) on Friday 15th July 2022
4) Entry to this giveaway is only by entering a valid email address.
5) Entering this competition means you consent to reciving email marketing from Deliciously Guilt Free (you can unsubscibe at anytime)
Winner will be choosen randomly at 7pm on Friday 15th July. We'll inform them right away (not really a rule but I thought you'd like to know all the same lol)